Tuesday, October 23, 2007

«Music of the body» dance&psychological training

In the body of every person, there lives and sounds very own music, an individual rhythm. Though, accepting and adopting external rhythms forced upon us, we cease to hear the rhythm of our own... In the body of every person, there lives and sounds very own music, an individual rhythm. Though, accepting and adopting external rhythms forced upon us, we cease to hear the rhythm of our own...

«Music of the body»

dance & psychological training

3- 4 November, Amsterdam

for everyone interested in self-exploration and self-development via creative expression, music, dance and movement.
This training is about hearing own music, being conscious of own body, own needs, desires and feelings, and at the same time remaining responsive to the music of the outside world, feeling and understanding people around us. In other words, how to be oneself while being in contact with others.

Dance and music are deeply connected to each other and, when the music is live, can have an effect upon each other. The music can influence the dancer, but also the dancer can influence the musician. When they both feel/listen to each other their interaction creates a harmony, and they become one. In this training we shall explore and experience this interaction and harmony.

You will be able

· to improve your awareness and to get more integrated with your body

· to achieve better expression skills and confidence in your body movement

· to recognize you desires and needs better

· to establish contacts with others more consciously

We shall present simple and effective exercises and techniques from dance movement therapy (DMT) and dance improvisation, 'body work', art-therapy and percussion. We shall listen to our body stories and share them with each other. We shall relax and stretch, we shall move, dance and play music with our own bodies.

The training is lead by Julia Morozova, dance movement therapist, and a docent of integrative dance movement therapy in collaboration with Yourie Castricum (percussie)

The training contribution in advance is 100 euros ( by payment in advance – 90 euros)

For students and groups discounts are available.

Adres: StudioSeven, 1ste Nassaustraat 7 1052 BD, Amsterdam.

For more information contact jmorozova@gmail.com

0641884189 (Julia)

Танцевально-психологический тренинг «Музыка тела»

Если Вам наскучили серые будни, а душа стремится к чему-то радостному, яркому, гармоничному; если в Вас живет ностальгия по тому времени в детстве, когда Вы были едины с собой и со всем миром -

приглашаем Вас на

танцевально-психологический тренинг «Музыка тела»
3-4 ноября 2007

Это тренинг для тех, кто заинтересован в само-исследовании и саморазвитии через творческое выражение, музыку, движение и танец. Этот тренинг о том, как услышать свою собственную музыку, о том, как быть осознанным и внимательным к своему телу, своим потребностям, желаниям и чувствам, и в то же время оставаться чувствительным к «музыке» внешнего мира, чувствовать и понимать людей вокруг. Другими словами, как быть собой, оставаясь в контакте с другими.

В теле каждого из нас с рождения живет , звучит его собственная неповторимая музыка, индивидуальный ритм. Но часто, вбирая в себя навязываемые нам извне ритмы, мы перестаем слышать свои собственные. Тренинг дает возможность услышать эту СВОЮ музыку, СВОЙ ритм и гармонизировать с ней все внешние ритмы.

Танец и музыка глубинно связаны друг с другом, Танец и Ж»живая» музыка могут влиять друг на друга. Музыка может влиять на танцора, но так же и танцор может оказывать свое влияние на музыканта Когда оба они прислушиваются друг к другу и чувствуют друг друга, такое взаимодействие создает такое гармоничное состояние, когда танцор и музыкант становятся одним. На тренинге мы будем исследовать этот процесс взаимодействия и создания гармонии и единства.

В тренинге используются простые и эффективные техники танцевально-двигательной терапии и танцевальной импровизации, перкуссия , техники арт-терапии. Мы будем слушать истории, которые рассказывает нам наше тело, и делиться ими с другими. Мы будем расслабляться и растягиваться, мы будем двигаться , танцевать и играть музыку своего собственного тела.

Ведущие тренинга - Юлия Морозова, психотерапевт, танцевально-двигательный терапевт, и Юрий Кастрикум, музыкант (перкуссия)

Тренинг проходит 3 и 4 ноября ( суббота и воскресенье) с 10 до 17 часов. Взнос за участие в тренинге - 100 евро ( при предварительной оплате – 90 евро). Студентам и группам ( от 3 человек) предоставляются скидки.

Адрес: StudioSeven, 1ste Nassaustraat 7 1052 BD, Amsterdam.

Запись на тренинг и дополнительная информация по адресу jmorozova@gmail.com или

телефону 0641884189 (Julia),

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Workshop 6th of October in Amsterdam

Dear friends!

It has gone two weeks since we had our last workshop, and the next one comes in just a few days already!
I hope that people who wanted to attend the workshop in September, but couldn't due to health reasons or other reasons,
can now join us healthy and full of enthusiasm again.

I invite you to our next workshop, which takes place on the 6th of October at Studio Seven in Amsterdam from 10.30 till 13.30

What is the theme going to be this time? One of the previous participants defined it as something like a search for balance between "to listen, see and perceive the surroundings" and "to take action oneself". We often go from one extreme to another. Or we become the sensitivity itself and then we can notice the smallest changes in what is around us, while we our-self stay still. Or we start acting, but then something happens to our sensitivity, we keep the focus on our-self and the surroundings become just like a kind of background. How to be yourself and act at the same time as being in contact with others? How to keep a high level of sensibility and attention to the outer world while being active and conscious towards your inner signals? How to dance your OWN Dance , dancing the Universal Dance of Life? We are going to explore this theme, using dance and movement, play and other ways of creative expression.

Practical information:
Where and when? On the 6th of October in Studio Seven. The address is Eerste Nassaustraat 7 in Amsterdam . We advise you to take comfortable clothes and shoes or warm socks for the workshop. How can you get to the Studio? From Amsterdam Central Station take the Bus 18 from the stop "CS Kamperbrug" (on the bridge) till the stop "Haarlemmerplein ", then walk 5 minutes to the Studio. Or take the Bus 22 from CS "Oostersedokskade" till the stop "Nassauplein", and then walk 3 minutes to the Studio.

With whom? With me, Julia Morozova. Let me introduce myself: I am a psychotherapist and a dance-movement therapist. I have graduated form the Dance Therapy studies in Moscow and continued my education (in Psychomotor Therapy) in the Netherlands. I have studied under supervision of the most prominent European and American teachers in Dance Therapy. I am the creator and coach of such dance trainings as "Music of the body", "Life space", "Three ages of the Goddess". I am also a teacher of the Integration Dance-Movement Therapy studies in Moscow, Russia and Minsk, Belorussia.

If you plan to attend the workshop, please confirm your attendance before the 4th of October. You can do it by phone 0641884189 or by email jmorozova @gmail.com . The workshop contribution in advance is 20 euro. The contribution right before the workshop is 25 Euro.

For your attention:

The following workshops and trainings are:

17th of November and 8th of December - monthly workshops in Studio Seven
training "Music of the body" 3-4 th of November
open enrollment to the groups "Anatomy of Emotions" And "The Heroine's Journey"

The site is in the development process and I'm interested to know which content you would like to see there in future? Articles about therapeutic and psychological aspects of dance and dance improvisation? Photos, videos, podcasts? Something else? Feel free to tell your opinion and ideas.

If you have any questions or would like to enroll yourself for the workshop , please write to jmorozova@gmail .com or call to 0641884189.

If you have any friends who might be interested in the above-mentioned information or the workshop, feel free to forward this email to them.

Sincerely yours,

Yulia Morozova