To Be Yourself in Presence of the Other. THe Practice of Authentic Movement

We often say: "the body language", "listen what your body says to you",  but we are not always aware  that it’s not just idiom, the body really can tell its story.
 And we just have to learn to tune up, listen and feel , and let this story happen.

This  workshop is  an introduction  to  the  discipline of  Authentic Movement.
Authentic Movement as a  form of active imagination through the  movement cultivates a contemplative frame of mind, clarity of perception, and movement that is personally enhancing.
Authentic Movement  helps to    restore the  contact  with your own  body-self, to understand  the  body  language, to  maintain and  develop your Self,  increase  the clarity  of perception  and  expression  of  inner meanings  and  images  in your  movement  and speech.
We  shall learn  how movement  that  emerges  from the  depths  of  the  body and in the  core  of  Dream Space of our Soul  can be  the  path to personal  transformation, healing  and spiritual  journey.

For  whom:
·       For  everybody  who looks  for the opportunity to  embody the quests  of  his/her  Souls  and Spirit  into movement
·       For  those  who  sees  the movement  as  a  way for self-exploring,  self-opening  and a  source of  creative inspiration.
In  result  participants :
•  learn  the  basic  classical  form of  Authentic Movement practice – the Dyad Mover-witness
•   get the  whole  experience of  movement  which  contains all  elements  of  experience: I feel –I imagine – I  think – I tell about  my  experience;
• get  the  skills  of the  deep listening  of  body impulses  and  their  expression in  symbolic movement;
• get the  experience  of  the conscious  presence in Here  and  Now
• increase  the  tolerance to the  situations  of  indeterminacy , which is important  in  nowadays quickly  changing  world.

Facilitator: Julia Morozova-van Steenis (NL) – dance/movement therapist and educator, chair of dance therapy department of Ja!Academy ( Tilburg, NL) author and facilitator of many therapeutic and personal development programmes using dance/movement therapy approach, organisator of  annual International Peer Meeting of  Authentic Movement  Practitioners, Professional Member  of  DMT Associations of  Russia and The  Netherlands,  Board officer of European Association Dance/Movement Therapy 

For more  information contact  Julia:  +31641884189 , or

What is  Authentic Movement?
Authentic Movement is a simple form of self-directed movement. It is usually done with eyes closed and attention directed inward, in the presence of at least one witness. Movers explore spontaneous gestures, movements, and stillness, following inner impulses in the present moment. The witness watches and tracks inner responses to the mover with the intention of not judging, but focusing on self-awareness.
Authentic Movement is practiced individually or in a group with an experienced teacher/witness. When more experienced movers are taught to become witnesses themselves, they may continue working with this method in peer groups and dyads.
 Authentic Movement's original practitioners integrated Jung's concept of active imagination with modern dance movement improvisation. Students of pioneers such as Mary Whitehouse, Joan Chodorow, and Janet Adler have developed the form in various ways including:
  • as a meditative, spiritual practice that integrates body and mind for increased access to consciousness.
  • as part of psychotherapy process, for enhanced sense of self and and well-being; often bringing unconscious thoughts to awareness.
  • as artistic support, to connect with creativity and creative process, unblocking and opening to new ideas.
  • as community outreach and development in community long circles, that address and solve community-wide problems.
Often the experience of Authentic Movement feels like meaningful play and is full of fun. At other times movers and witnesses experience intense feelings and helpful insights into the wisdom of their own bodies.
 Authentic Movement has grown and evolved over many years. It is an open and unfolding form.
 ( from Authentic Movement Community blog

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